As lockdown has brought many people all over the world into isolation it has stopped all gatherings and events. SO what does this mean if you already have an event or wedding booked? You have a few options; cancel, postpone or panic (please don’ panic). We have listed out a few steps on how we recommend you reschedule a wedding/ event.

Plum Crazy Agency | How to reschedule a wedding or event
  1. Choose a few new dates that you would like (we recommend a minimum of 3 options). How do you know when we will be allowed to host gatherings again? We don’t, however we are starting to see some rules being changed and eased off a bit so this gives us some hope of a potential ‘re-opening of venues’ and running of events (most probably small events to start and slowly increasing the numbers over time) the one thing you can do for more certainty is to choose a date as far in advance as possible (6 – 12 – 18 months in advance). The great thing is you will have that much more time to plan your wedding/ event.
  2. Contact all the suppliers you have already booked and ask their availability for your new chosen dates. 
  3. Check the rescheduling policies with all the suppliers to make sure things are clear & transparent so you don’t end up with any unexpected ‘rescheduling fees’. Some suppliers may charge you to change seasons (eg: if you booked a winter wedding the supplier may charge you to now have the date during the summer – low peak vs high peak rates).
  4. Note down each supplier’s availability and choose a date they are all available.
  5. Let your guests know. If your original invite was an e-invite (update the details and resend it),  if you sent invites via post – post new invites or you could text/ email out the “rescheduled dates” – if you would like to design something yourself have a look at Canva, they have beautiful free templates.
    Remember – if you have an event/ wedding website to update the details on there too (our personal favourite is Appy Couple) this is a personal favourite – not a paid plug lol.
  6. We recommend sending out the new invite to your full guest list again as some people may or may not be available for the new dates. 
  7. Start again by collecting RSVP’s and closer to the date make sure you send out a request for dietary requirements as things may change in 6 months/ a years times and you want to make sure you are on top of it all (this helps you avoid last minute run arounds on the day).

Do you have any tips on how you have gone about rescheduling your Wedding/ Event which you would like to add to the list or share with us? Please feel free to send them through or contact us here.

Plum Crazy Agency | How to reschedule a wedding or event