Looking to host an amazing baby shower? We highly recommend having baby shower games and baby shower entertainment because, when else can you be silly and let people taste baby food blind folded?

To start off with some fun, here are our top 7 baby shower games (and for a little more fun – have a score board up with everyone’s names, keep score ad give the winners a prize at the end of the day)

We have added links to more info & images below for you to browse through.

  1. Tie your shoe
    If you’re having men at your baby shower – give this one to them or else choose 5 ladies blow up balloons and place it under their shirts, the challenge is to sit down, tie your shoes and stand up without losing or popping the balloons – the fastest wins.
  2. Guess the chocolate flavour
    Using site & smell (and if you dare – taste) guess the flavour of chocolate in each diaper
  3. Down the drink
    What drink to put inside – that’s completely up to you (water, apple juice, beer) – the most important part is to see who can down the drink, out of a baby bottle, with no hands – the fastest.
  4. Guess the Baby bump size
    Cut a piece of string as long as you think Mum’s baby bump is.
  5. Baby Bingo
    Print out a variety of different copies of bingo cards, have one person call out items (you could place the different answers on paper and draw them out of a hat) the first person to get a full row (or full card – up to you) shouts BINGO!
  6. Guess the baby food
    Place a few different baby food flavours in different numbered jars, guests should write down their guesses of the different flavours, the person who guesses the most correct, wins!
  7. Pop the Belly
    Blow up small balloons and have guests throw darts at the board to see how can pop the most balloons first

Here are some fun ideas for advice & follow on games

  • Guess the date & weight
    Each guest places a couple dollars in a jar to enter, the person who guesses the correct birth date (or closest to it) wins the jar of money.
  • Baby Predictions & Advice
    Share your thoughts, advice & predictions on the baby weight, gender and birth date along with any advice you have for the couple.
  • Guest Book
    Have each guest sign their name on a picture which you can frame and place in the baby room
  • Diaper advice
    Lay out a number of diapers, let your guests write messages on the diapers to keep you entertained when changing the baby soon (you may need the giggle or inspiration once the baby arrives).